For the love of animals and with the motive of producing nutritious milk products, We started with procuring twenty cows that were a mix of Holstein Fischer, Sahiwal and Jersey in February 2020.
The cow sheds were planned and constructed keeping in mind the ill effects high temperature and humidity has on cows. Several strategies like installing sprinkles on roof, wall-mount industrial fans and a homegrown technique of stitching gunny bags into curtains and spraying water on them to provide cooling effect greatly help reduce the effect of heat stress and maintain ideal temperature of 25°C inside the shed.
An ideal mix of nutritive feed is served to the cows which includes pellet feed, specially grown Napier Grass, silage for dry seasons and abundant water. Their hygiene and health are taken care of by professional veterinary doctors and experienced farmers. They are washed regularly and their shelters maintained at ambient temperature.
We believe that we rise by lifting others and so, the native farmers have got actively associated with us to benefit from higher milk procurement rates, medication ideas and community discussions. The focus is on creating a holistic environment for the overall well-being of cattle.
Coming to the packaging front, the company is entirely focused on delivering fresh and healthy products in its best form to its customers. And for this purpose, we have adopted the latest innovations in dairy technology.
To begin with, keep a stringent check on the milk parameters we use for product making. Milk from our farms and milk procured from local farmers is checked for acidity, water content and FAT & SNF percentages. Milk that is sourced from cows that are under any sort of medication is not included for packaging on that particular day.
Achieving daily nutritional needs satisfies everyone. Milk, in its various forms, is one of nature's best gifts in this regard. We wish to continue to focus on dairy innovation and enhance productivity to make such products affordable and accessible to the masses.
We wish to work in harmony with dairy farmers to set new standards for sustainable dairy production and maintain respectful community relations. We strive to contribute to the development of society by building long-term relationships with people and organisations.